Paleo Food

Indian Pemmican History and Recipe/How-to The text below is an excerpt from a larger article located at the link above. When the white men set out across North America, a reliable supply of portable provisions was one of the major problems. Lacking the skills of the native hunters, it was doubtful that they could live off the country. They […]

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Inner Light Solution™

Inner Light Solution™ an extremely powerful anti-oxidant, probiotic drink beverage. This consortium of Syntropic Antioxidant Microbes can support your own body’s ability to create superb structure and function by both neutralizing the broad array of pathogenic, oxidizing chemicals we have accumulated (toxic load or body burdon), and by improving digestion and absorption of nutrients in

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Paleo Plunge Sink-or-Swim Jumpstart Guide

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] 1–Go shopping and buy foods for the Pro-thyroid, Paleo Diet. Getting Started Foods and Recipes: Carrot/coconut Alive™–see recipe here (buy 2-5 lbs. of organic carrots, one bunch parsley, apple cider vinegar, 2-4 granny smith apples) Bone broth soup (buy a package of Grass Fed

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Circadian Reset Diet

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ fullwidth=”off” specialty=”off”][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.92″ background_layout=”light” text_font_size=”18px” text_text_color=”#000000″] THE FIRST PRINCIPLES ARE: Try to replicate the diet of our ancestors as much as possible. This means: Pre-Civilization Diet dating before grain cultivation. The grain based diet is what civilization is built on, and it has wreaked havoc on health and genetics, creating ‘modern’ or

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20 Powerful Detox Tools/Techniques

What is detoxing? Different Levels: cellular, tissue, energetic… Increasing vitality/health is a constant process of replacing lesser/weaker/cells with stronger/more robust cells. Temporary fatigue and pain is a part of the process towards increasing energy and vitality. Detoxing is always happening. Toxicity is always happening, in our current world. Just getting the body to work properly

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How I Discovered the ‘Reverse Osmosis Wellness Method’

The quest for health has been for many of us frustrating, futile, and unrewarding. I will give my personal experience briefly to illustrate my point. I was weak and sick for a couple of decades. No-one knew what was wrong. I spent thousands of dollars on things like Chinese Medicine, Macrobitotics, Chiropractic Treatments, and raw vegan

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