I stand for organic
I stand strong against the toxic fumes
winds blowing hot in my face like a dragon’s breath
I stand for and with the trees and the smallest butterfly
flitting from blossom to blossom
I fight, letting my anger express
keeping a heart that can love
seeing people for who they are
not judging for what they do
seeing they cannot see
I stand in the checkout line
like everyone else
I am a part of this whole
How do I step out?
Take a stand–and commit?
How do I stand up and refute their lies, speak out, prove it?
Deflect the weapons of fear/poison?
What do I have to stand strong/tall?
They will try to knock me down, mow me over
before I grow to maturity
and become a threat to their over-hybridized, mono-crop species.
I stand for organics
Nature can balance itself
I treat my soil with love,
feed it compost and mulch. microorganisms and rock dust
I water the seeds of compassion
I get my strength from the
deep roots breaking up
steril hardpan
to go deep
and draw nourishment
where it lay out of reach to others.
I stand for organic
I know how to hoe a row of weeds by hand, back breaking, alone, thirsty, in the hot sun.
I stand, live, and die for organics
wielding hoe and scythe (bow and arrow)
against the beasts (tractors and combines)
I know the hardships of deprivation
Not having the resources to grow and flourish.
I know the temptation of taking the easy road.
My strength comes from the earth, the sun, the rain, and that which created these and me.
My strength comes from Mother Earth
Deep minerals–I will dig and find my peace
I will sit with the rocks, moss, birds
find solace where the truth
silently sings the sun and stars onward
I will bring that back to the store, carried in my heart, in my soul
Stand tall in front of stinking disgusting bags of pesticides and herbicides
promising an easy life
of no effort
I don’t buy it.
by Jeah Kessha (formerly Patrick Clark)